
#18: Radio Spider

A really big thank you to my new acquaintance/friend Linda Gillis Gentile, a fellow blogger at, who I met through a friend on Facebook when she listed photos of wire resistors and capacitors needing a new home. I was always that kid who saw treasure where there wasn't treasure, so you can imagine what it was like to open a whole box of colorful wires.

I told Linda that I could make spiders with the resistors, and it was a bit challenging because I'm used to twisting one long piece of wire around a focal point and then having two spider legs that are secured in the center, but the resistors I used for these radio spiders (one of which belongs to Linda) weren't long enough to twist and instead had to be attached. My soldering iron is currently kaput, so that option was out, but I've been playing around with glass decorating marbles and baking clay as of late, which was how I ended up anchoring the radio spider's legs. The resistors were great for twisting and beading, and a few days from now you'll see how I used them in a completely different way for another spider.

The radio spider is my largest and heaviest spider to date, with a leg span of approximately 4 inches.

Materials: glass marble, clip art, black and copper baking clay, resistors, glass bugle/E/seed beads, silver wire