
#31: Dexter Spider

If you know nothing about Dexter, the basic gist is that he's a Miami police department blood spatter specialist but also a serial killer who takes out murderers who have slipped through the fingers of the justice system. His "trophy" is a microscope slide of a blood sample from each victim.

I tried to find a silver/pewter syringe for the head of the spider (Dexter usually sneaks up on his unsuspecting victims with a syringe) but my online searches were fruitless. I found knives and axes and other assorted macabre tools of destruction, but nothing screamed Dexter quite as much as a syringe. And then a few days back I was rifling through my metal charms and found a Clue game piece of a syringe. What luck! I didn't even know it was there, so the Dexter spider was meant to be. 

My guess is that the author of the book that spawned the show didn't just coincidentally name his character Dexter. Dexterity is essential to the success of the character's endeavors. As such, I wouldn't be successful in creating these spiders were it not for dexterity.

Materials: antique silver locket pendant, glass, red soap dye, Clue syringe game piece, gray glass bugle beads, gray E beads, red seed beads, silver wire