
#41: Magic Number Spider

Remember Schoolhouse Rocks' "Three Is a Magic Number"? The song teaches about things in threes: the past, the present, and the future; faith and hope and charity; the heart, the brain, the body.... In the '90s, a bunch of then-popular artists did covers of all of the Schoolhouse Rocks songs, and Blind Melon covered "Three Is a Magic Number."

When I saw this small rusty number among some Industrial Chic charms, I immediately began humming the song. To listen to the song on MySpace, go here.

"A man and a woman had a little baby. Yeah they did. And there were three in the family. And that's a magic number...."

Materials: rusty number, antiqued gear, gold bugle beads, teal seed beads, round brass spacer beads, grooved brass spacers, rusty wire