
#46: Guitar Pick Spider

I used to make and sell guitar pick earrings, but now that the idea is no longer novel, I've reinvented the wheel a little bit. This is the last of my guitar picks, but at one time I had lots of Lucky 13 picks. I can still go into the guitar shop in Red Lion and buy some new and interesting picks, even collectible ones. It's a good place to find just about anything imaginable for your guitar.

A few years back, my husband bought me a guitar for Valentine's Day. I learned basic chords (which I have since forgot), and from time to time I pick it back up and decide I want to relearn, if just to play and sing a song that I really like that has easy chords. I always wanted to learn guitar. My dad is an AMAZING guitar player and is self-taught. I have always been in awe of his talent. I remember telling him once that I was going to marry someone who played guitar. Instead, I married someone who could share my awe for my dad's guitar playing.

Materials: guitar pick, hematite star bead, black plastic bead, black glass bugle beads, gunmetal spacer beads, sparkly metal spacer beads, silver wire