Materials for the silver bullet spider |
Eat your heart out, Corey Haim. Remember when you dropped that silver bullet in the middle of a werewolf attack? You went through all of the trouble of melting down your sister's necklace. You knew you only had one shot. You didn't practice. That's what you get. Maybe you should have made a silver-tipped rocket. You seemed very effective when you shot him in the eye with a rocket! And I think "The Silver Rocket" could still have been a best-selling Stephen King novel. Or maybe if you were an engineer in a modern-day steampunk retelling (remake), you could have constructed a silver robotic spider to bite the werewolf. It sort of takes YOU out of the equation. Yes, the concept of a silver bullet spider--much more cool.
Materials: oval grooved silver bead, silver spacer, medium silver bead, small round silver beads, silver seed beads, silver bugle beads (two types), silver wire