I wanted to start my year exploring one creative thing each day. But because my typical day usually includes something creative anyhow, I thought I'd use the 365 Days of Creativity project (which began, for me, as a challenge from a Facebook friend) to finish many of the projects that I had already started. I quickly began to see--after only 24 days--how daunting a number like 365 really is. I didn't have THAT many projects that needed to be finished. Not only that, but as my husband pointed out, I appeared to be slapping things together just to finish something every day, and that didn't sit well with me. My projects thus far were not simple; they were time intensive and detailed, and I could see the handwriting on the wall. I would not be able to simplify my projects enough without making some pretty big sacrifices in the way of family and work, among other things (i.e., stability of mind).
But last fall I found a tutorial on making beaded spiders and made several as pins that were big hits when I brought them to craft shows and put them on Etsy, but most important, I found them very relaxing to make. I knew that at least one spider would make its way into my 365 Days of Creativity project, and Day 25 was slated to be that day. But then a light bulb went on in my head. My life could be so much easier, and my project would have so much more focus, if I just switched gears and settled on one particular craft--spiders! Suddenly, I could picture my spiders covering a wall...all 365 of them. I could picture them doing things, serving different purposes. Some you would just look at. Some would have themes. Some would be colorful. And every once in a while, when time was on my side, a spider would be extraordinary.
So that's what I'm setting out to do--365 spiders. I hesitate to say that they'll all be beaded. I might change my mind. It's a little nail biting to contemplate 365 different spiders. Spiders made of different fibers, celebrating different holidays, seasons, accomplishments. But I know that if snowflakes can all be different--just as Noah Scalin came up with 365 different skulls (and not just once!)--spiders can be, too.
And so, I give you my very first spider. The project starts with me, and so my first spider must also start with me. A.J.K.--those are my initials. I've always liked that the letters of my initials rhyme, so this first spider has symmetry in that way. The "me" spider is the "here, here" and tinkling of glasses, the grandiose speech that sets off what promises to be something special and great. Let's hope so.