Lovely Spam, wonderful Spam (spam, spam, spam)...
I LOVE Spam, but it should be saved for special occasions and treated like a delicacy. Fried in a pan to a perfect tender crispiness and then added to a bowl of the cheesiest Kraft mac 'n cheese, Spam can be combined for the most delicious comfort food. On a rare occasion, I will buy some and share it with the kids.
A couple of years ago, my friends Mindy and Erin and I attempted some resin pendants with clip art and beads. The results were mostly disappointing. The "pendant" I used for the Spam spider was the only one that I saved from the group that I made. Fear not the Spam spider; the only thing this spider leaves in its wake is a gelatinous trail of gooey love, just like a fresh slice of Spam.